Thursday, September 21, 2006

funny!! Posted by Picasa
eating dinner at grandma and grandpa Posted by Picasa
Princess Kaelin  Posted by Picasa
Cartoons!! Posted by Picasa
daddy, I need a nap!  Posted by Picasa
mom, gosh!!!! ( the end of the tantrum ) ........  Posted by Picasa
here's the begining of the tantrum........ Posted by Picasa
hey look a mirror! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 02, 2006

look at all this food.... I can't eat all this! Posted by Picasa
Daddy and Me on my Daddy's Birthday last monday. We went to Claim Jumper's for dinner. We had a lot of fun. Posted by Picasa
hmmm.....  Posted by Picasa
Stike a pose! Posted by Picasa
la la la la la....... Posted by Picasa
Hey look at me!!!! again at Auntie Rene' and Uncle Eric's house. Posted by Picasa
Having a snack at Aunt Rene' and Uncle Eric's house Posted by Picasa
Daddy I want up!!!! Posted by Picasa
ahh... I am 20 months old now. and look at what my morning consits of....... lounging. :) Posted by Picasa