Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Okay, It is really hot out side, so Mommy has put on the sprinkler at my Grandparents house and I am about to run through it!! It so fun!! I am now 19 months old. And almost have all of my teeth! My favorite thing to do is going to the Beach with my mom and dad and go swimming and play on the swings and the slide. We go to the Beach just about everyday now, And the water is really nice. My mommy and daddy bought me an innertube that I can sit in and has an umbrella so I can float around in the shade. I love being 19 months old..... Posted by Picasa
I got mommy's sunglasses!! look at me!! Posted by Picasa
little Kaelin, trying to Keep cool the last few days at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Kaelin for a pose on Grandma and Grandpa's steps. Posted by Picasa
Kaelin and Mommy being silly. Posted by Picasa
early this morning, playing on the deck. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 09, 2006

And she just loves that pool Posted by Picasa
She is a hider, what can I say Posted by Picasa
Hmmmm....... Posted by Picasa
Kaelin with her new sun glasses Posted by Picasa